Tips and Advice

Create a Neon Light Effect in Photoshop

Create a simple Neon Light effect in Photoshop.
Session 15 of the Sixty Second Sessions.
Ongoing library series of short how-to tutorials.

The neon Light effect can be added to any scene to enhance the portrait or create other world composites. This quick tutorial will show you a simple way to achieve the look. It’s longer than most Sixty Second Sessions, in fact its 360 seconds longer!

Any Photoshop Tips and Tricks that can speed up your workflow or give you a better understanding of the software are welcomed by everyone. Gather every tip you can and enjoy your editing.

These tutorials are aimed at users to understand different aspects of using the software and creating images. How you get to the final image is up to you as there are many ways to complete things. This is just one way.
The videos are kept short so that they get to the point of the title.

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